
1. requirements

  • What is the primary (business) objective of the search system?

  • What are the specific use cases and scenarios where it will be applied?

  • What are the system requirements (such as response time, accuracy, scalability, and integration with existing systems or platforms)?

  • What is the expected scale of the system in terms of data and user interactions?

  • Is their any data available? What format?

  • Can we use video metadata? Yes

  • Do we need consider Personalization? not required

  • How many languages needs to be supported?

2. pipeline

3. data collection

4. feature

5. model




6. Evaluation

  • Offline

    • Precision@k, mAP, Recall@k, MRR

    • we choose MRR (avg rank of first relevant element in results) due to the format of our eval data <video, text> pair

  • Online

    • CTR: problem: doesn't track relevancy, click baits

    • video completion rate: partially watched videos might still found relevant by user

    • total watch time

    • we choose total watch time: good indicator of relevance

7. deployment and prediction service

  • A/B test

  • Scaling

8. monitoring and maintenance


Last updated