1140. Stone Game II
博弈论: minimax approach with memorization
# 树中找最优路径: https://algo.monster/liteproblems/1140
class Solution:
def stoneGameII(self, piles: List[int]) -> int:
N = len(piles)
self.dp = {}
def recursiveStoneGame(start, M):
if start >= N:
return 0
# take all if possible
if N - start <= 2 * M:
return sum(piles[start:])
# memoization
if (start, M) in self.dp:
return self.dp[(start, M)]
my_score = 0
total_score = sum(piles[start:])
# the opponent can take [1, 2*M] stones
for x in range(1, 2*M+1):
# get opponent's score
opponent_score = recursiveStoneGame(start+x, max(x, M))
# maintains max my_score
my_score = max(my_score, total_score - opponent_score)
self.dp[(start, M)] = my_score
return my_score
return recursiveStoneGame(0, 1)
时间复杂度:O() 空间复杂度:O()
# 常见转移方程: dp(i,j) = min{dp(i,k-1) + dp(k,j)} + w(i,j) (i < k <= j)
class Solution(object):
def stoneGameII(self, piles):
n = len(piles)
f = [[0] * (n + 1) for _ in range(n)]
s = 0
for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
s += piles[i]
for j in range(1, n + 1):
if i + j * 2 >= n:
f[i][j] = s
for k in range(1, j * 2 + 1):
f[i][j] = max(f[i][j], s - f[i + k][max(j, k)])
return f[0][1]
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