
harmful content/weapon ads, 多模态场景, evolve rapidly

1. requirements

  • What types of harmful content are we aiming to detect? (e.g., hate speech, explicit images, cyberbullying)?

  • What are the potential sources of harmful content? (e.g., social media, user-generated content platforms)

  • Are there specific legal or ethical considerations for content moderation

  • What is the expected volume of content to be analyzed daily?

  • What are supported languages?

  • Are there human annotators available for labeling?

  • Is there a feature for users to report harmful content? (click, text, etc).

  • Is explainability important here?

2. pipeline

  • 先介绍几个大的方向, pros, cons

  • Multimodal input (text, image, video, speech, etc)

  • Multi-Label/Multi-Task classification

3. data collection

本题中,如何收集数据和label是比较关键的。比如先根据用户反馈(silver labels),再根据人工审核(golden labels)

  • platform: 人工审核

  • user feedback: report,dislike,comment

  • interaction: anomaly

4. feature

  • item

    • text

    • image/video

    • audio

  • user

    • author

  • interaction

    • engagement

    • report

  • context

5. model

  • 多模态(few-shot, 或微调)

  • 大模型

6. evaluation

  • offline

    • F1 score, PR-AUC, ROC-AUC

    • 为什么我们选择auc-pr而不是auc-roc。因为auc-pr可以更好的处理imbalance data, harmful content本身就是少数

  • online

    • prevalence (percentage of harmful posts didn't prevent over all posts), harmful impressions, percentage of valid (reversed) appeals, proactive rate (ratio of system detected over system + user detected)

    • 很多场景,不是知道所有错误信息的(spam/fraud detection)。比较简单的方法,就是不做true recall. sample一些data做个partial recall, 还可以看自己业务设置其他类似recall的matrix

7. deployment and prediction service

  • Harmful content detection service

  • Demoting service (prob of harm with low confidence)

  • violation service (prob of harm with high confidence)

8. monitoring and maintenance

  • 怎么部署这个系统,后续如何维护


Last updated