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People You May Know: u2u推荐
Symmetrical Friendship: The system should recommend connections where both users are likely to accept the friendship.
Network Growth: help users discover potential connections
User Retention: Improve user retention by enhancing the social experience
Scale: the total number of users on the platform, and daily active users
Latency: Recommendations should be generated in real-time (e.g., < 200ms) to ensure a smooth user experience
average connections for one user
User Profiles: Demographics, interests, and preferences
Social Graph: Existing connections and interactions (e.g., mutual friends, common groups)
Behavioral Data: Past interactions (e.g., profile views, connection requests)
User Features
Demographics: Age, location, education
Interests: Hobbies, favorite topics
Behavior: Frequency of interactions, types of interactions
Connection Features
Common Friends: Number of mutual friends. 共同好友个数
Shared Interests: Overlap in interests or groups
Interaction History: Past interactions between users (e.g., profile views, messages)
Context Features
Time of Day: Recommendations may vary based on the time of day
Device: Recommendations may differ based on the device used (e.g., mobile vs. desktop)
Collaborative Filtering: Recommend connections based on similar users' connections.
point-wise learning to rank
task 2 users as input, output the probability of forming a friend
graph based prediction
graph level prediction
predict if a chemical compound us an enzyme
node level prediction
predict if a specific user is a spammer
edge level prediction
predict if two users likely to connect
precision, recall, and AUC-ROC
A/B Testing: Continuously test new models and features to measure their impact on engagement and network growth
Feedback Loop: Use user feedback to retrain and improve models
部分 batch serving