深入的应用参考自然语言处理 ,大语言模型 ,视觉 ,多模态 ,无监督/自监督 ,强化学习
1. 优化
1.1 前向后向传播
前向传播,根据预测值和标签计算损失函数,以及损失函数对应的梯度。损失函数类的设计有正向值计算方法和梯度计算方法, 损失函数对y_hat的偏微分
根据参数值和参数梯度进行优化更新参数: optimizer(w, w_grad)
1.2 优化 Optimizer
slope of a curve at a given point
从单变量看,抖的时候就走的步子大一点,缓的时候就走的小一点. 多个变量的不同变化决定了整体优化方向
除了此刻的输入外,还考虑上一时刻的输出. 有的优化根据历史梯度计算一阶动量和二阶动量
考虑加入惯性,引入一阶动量,SGD with Momentum
Very flexible—can use other loss functions
Slower—does not converge as quickly
Harder to handle the unobserved entries (need to use negative sampling or gravity)
Adam: 每个参数梯度增加了一阶动量(momentum)和二阶动量(variance),Adaptive + Momentum. 通过其来自适应控制步长,当梯度较小时,整体的学习率就会增加,反之会缩小
用指数滑动平均去估计梯度每个分量的一阶矩(动量)和二阶矩(自适应学习率),并用二阶矩去 normalize 一阶矩,得到每一步的更新量
Batch Size
用尽可能能塞进内存的batch size去train模型,提升训练速度. 但也存在trade-off
batch size过小,波动会比较大,不太容易收敛。但这种波峰,也有助于跳出局部最优,模型更容易有更好的泛化能力
batch size变大,步数整体变少,训练的步数更少,本来就波动就小,步数也少,同样本的情况下,你收敛的会更慢
Copy # example of gradient descent for a one-dimensional function
from numpy import asarray
from numpy . random import rand
def objective ( x ):
return x ** 2.0
def derivative ( x ):
return x * 2.0
def gradient_descent ( objective , derivative , bounds , n_iter , step_size ):
solution = bounds [:, 0 ] + rand ( len (bounds)) * (bounds [:, 1 ] - bounds [:, 0 ] )
for i in range (n_iter):
gradient = derivative (solution)
solution = solution - step_size * gradient
solution_eval = objective (solution)
print ( '> %d f( %s ) = %.5f ' % (i, solution, solution_eval))
return [solution , solution_eval]
bounds = asarray ([[ - 1.0 , 1.0 ]])
n_iter = 30
step_size = 0.1
best , score = gradient_descent (objective, derivative, bounds, n_iter, step_size)
1.3 学习率scheduler
常用的heuristic 是 LR 应该与 batch size 的增长倍数的开方成正比,从而保证 variance 与梯度成比例的增长
Copy # Cyclic LR, 每隔一段时间重启学习率,这样在单位时间内能收敛到多个局部最小值,可以得到很多个模型做集成
scheduler = lambda x : ((LR_INIT - LR_MIN) / 2 ) * (np . cos (PI * (np. mod (x - 1 ,CYCLE) / (CYCLE))) + 1 ) + LR_MIN
# warp up, 有助于减缓模型在初始阶段对mini-batch的提前过拟合现象,保持分布的平稳,同时有助于保持模型深层的稳定性
warmup_steps = int (batches_per_epoch * 5 )
1.4 初始化
会导致激活后具有相同的值,网络相当于只有一个隐含层节点一样, hidden size失去意义
2. 损失函数
prediction made by model trained with MSE loss is always normally distributed
cross entropy/ 对数损失
nn.CrossEntropyLoss(pred, label) = nn.NLLLoss(torch.log(nn.Softmax(pred)), label)
c e = − y l o g ( p ) − ( 1 − y ) l o g ( 1 − p ) ce = - ylog(p) - (1-y)log(1-p) ce = − y l o g ( p ) − ( 1 − y ) l o g ( 1 − p )
Focal loss
对CE loss增加了一个调制系数来降低容易样本的权重值,使得训练过程更加关注困难样本。增加的这个系数就是评价难易,也就是概率的gamma次方
Copy import torch
from torch import nn
class FocalLoss ( nn . Module ):
def __init__ ( self , gamma , eps = 1e-7 ):
super (). __init__ ()
self . gamma = gamma
self . eps = eps
def forward ( self , preds , targets ):
preds = preds . clamp (self.eps, 1 - self.eps)
loss = ( 1 - preds) ** self . gamma * targets * torch . log (preds) + preds ** self . gamma * ( 1 - targets) * torch . log ( 1 - preds)
return - torch . mean (loss)
3. 网络模型结构
3.1 MLP
Copy import numpy as np
class Dense ( Layer ):
def __init__ ( self , input_size , output_size ):
self . weights = np . random . rand (input_size, output_size) - 0.5
self . bias = np . random . rand ( 1 , output_size) - 0.5
def forward_propagation ( self , input_data ):
self . input = input_data
self . output = np . dot (self.input, self.weights) + self . bias
return self . output
def backward_propagation ( self , output_error , learning_rate ):
input_error = np . dot (output_error, self.weights.T)
weight_error = np . dot (self.input.T, output_error)
self . weights -= learning_rate * weight_error
self . bias -= learning_rate * output_error
return input_error
3.2 CNN
Convolution is a mathematical operation trying to learn the values of filter(s) using backprop, where we have an input I, and an argument, kernel K to produce an output that expresses how the shape of one is modified by another.
Convolutional layer is core building block of CNN, it helps with feature detection.
Kernel K is a set of learnable filters and is small spatially compared to the image but extends through the full depth of the input image.
Dimension of the feature map as a function of the input image size(W), feature detector size(F), Stride(S) and Zero Padding on image(P) is (W−F+2P)/S+1
No. of parameters = (Kernel size * Kernel size * Dimension )+1 = 28
卷积等价于[一个大的矩阵一次性运算](Orthogonal Convolutional Neural Networks)
CNN的 Inductive Bias(归纳偏置) 多过 vision transformer, CNN的归纳偏置,分别是 locality (局部性)和 translation equivariance(平移等变性)
在线卷积(Online Convolution)是在数据流式输入的情况下,实时计算卷积操作
Copy # https://github.com/openai/gpt-2/blob/master/src/model.py
def conv1d ( x , scope , nf , * , w_init_stdev = 0.02 ):
with tf . variable_scope (scope):
* start , nx = shape_list (x)
w = tf . get_variable ( 'w' , [ 1 , nx, nf], initializer = tf. random_normal_initializer (stddev = w_init_stdev))
b = tf . get_variable ( 'b' , [nf], initializer = tf. constant_initializer ( 0 ))
c = tf . reshape (tf. matmul (tf. reshape (x, [ - 1 , nx]), tf. reshape (w, [ - 1 , nf])) + b, start + [nf])
return c
Copy import numpy as np
def conv2D ( image , kernel , padding = 0 , strides = 1 ):
# Cross Correlation
kernel = np . flipud (np. fliplr (kernel))
# Gather Shapes of Kernel + Image + Padding
xKernShape = kernel . shape [ 0 ]
yKernShape = kernel . shape [ 1 ]
xImgShape = image . shape [ 0 ]
yImgShape = image . shape [ 1 ]
# Shape of Output Convolution
xOutput = int (((xImgShape - xKernShape + 2 * padding) / strides) + 1 )
yOutput = int (((yImgShape - yKernShape + 2 * padding) / strides) + 1 )
output = np . zeros ((xOutput, yOutput))
# Apply Equal Padding to All Sides
if padding != 0 :
imagePadded = np . zeros ((image.shape[ 0 ] + padding * 2 , image.shape[ 1 ] + padding * 2 ))
imagePadded [ int (padding): int ( - 1 * padding), int (padding): int ( - 1 * padding)] = image
else :
imagePadded = image
# Iterate through image
for y in range (image.shape[ 1 ]):
for x in range (image.shape[ 0 ]):
output [ x , y ] = (kernel * imagePadded [ x : x + xKernShape , y : y + yKernShape ] ) . sum () + bias
return output
def activation_fn ( self , x ):
"""A method of FFL which contains the operation and definition of given activation function."""
if self . activation == 'relu' :
x [ x < 0 ] = 0
return x
if self . activation == None or self . activation == "linear" :
return x
if self . activation == 'tanh' :
return np . tanh (x)
if self . activation == 'sigmoid' :
return 1 / ( 1 + np . exp ( - x) )
if self . activation == "softmax" :
x = x - np . max (x)
s = np . exp (x)
return s / np . sum (s)
Copy import numpy as np
def conv2d ( inputs , kernels , bias , stride , padding ):
""" 正向卷积操作
inputs: 输入数据,形状为 (C, H, W)
kernels: 卷积核,形状为 (F, C, HH, WW),C是图片输入层数,F是图片输出层数
bias: 偏置,形状为 (F,)
stride: 步长
padding: 填充
# 获取输入数据和卷积核的形状
C , H , W = inputs . shape
F , _ , HH , WW = kernels . shape
# 对输入数据进行填充。在第一个轴(通常是通道轴)上不进行填充,在第二个轴和第三个轴(通常是高度和宽度轴)上在开始和结束位置都填充padding个值
inputs_pad = np . pad (inputs, (( 0 , 0 ), (padding, padding), (padding, padding)))
# 初始化输出数据,卷积后的图像size大小
H_out = 1 + (H + 2 * padding - HH) // stride
W_out = 1 + (W + 2 * padding - WW) // stride
outputs = np . zeros ((F, H_out, W_out))
# 进行卷积操作
for i in range (H_out):
for j in range (W_out): # 找到out图像对于的原始图像区域,然后对图像进行sum和bias
inputs_slice = inputs_pad [:, i * stride : i * stride + HH , j * stride : j * stride + WW ]
# axis=(1, 2, 3)表示在通道、高度和宽度这三个轴上进行求和
outputs [:, i , j ] = np . sum (inputs_slice * kernels, axis = ( 1 , 2 , 3 )) + bias
return outputs
梯度消失:在反向传播过程中累计梯度一直相乘,当很多小于1的梯度出现时导致前面的梯度很小,难以学习long-term dependencies
梯度爆炸:the exploding gradient problem当梯度较大,链式法则导致连乘过大,数值不稳定
RNN的inductive bias是sequentiality和time invariance,即序列顺序上的time-steps有联系,和时间变换的不变性 (rnn权重共享)
3.4 Transformer
encoder: embed + layer(self-attention, skip-connect, ln, ffn, skip-connect, ln) * 6
decoder: embed + layer(self-attention, cross-attention, ffn, skip-connect, ln) * 6
Attention ( Q , K , V ) = softmax ( Q K T d k ) V \text{Attention}(Q, K, V) = \text{softmax}\left(\frac{QK^T}{\sqrt{d_k}}\right)V Attention ( Q , K , V ) = softmax ( d k Q K T ) V
sequence length n, vector representations d. QK矩阵相乘复杂度为O(n^2 d), softmax与V相乘复杂度O(n^2 d)
kv cache: 空间换时间,自回归中每次生成一个token,前面的token计算存在重复性
Multi Query Attention: MQA 让所有的头之间共享同一份 Key 和 Value 矩阵,每个头只单独保留了一份 Query 参数,从而大大减少 Key 和 Value 矩阵的参数量
Group Query Attention: 将查询头分成N组,每个组共享一个Key 和 Value 矩阵
Flash attention: 利用GPU硬件非均匀的存储器层次结构实现内存节省和推理加速
称为attention的temperature。如果输入向量的维度d比较大,那么内积的结果也可能非常大,这会导致注意力分数也变得非常大,可能会使得softmax函数的计算变得不稳定(接近one-hot, 梯度消失),并且会影响模型的训练和推理效果。通过除以根号d,可以将注意力分数缩小到一个合适的范围内,从而使softmax函数计算更加稳定,并且更容易收敛。
Google T5采用Xavier初始化缓解梯度消失,从而不需要除根号d
Positional Encoding/Embedding 区别
学习式(learned):直接将位置编码当作可训练参数,比如最大长度为 512,编码维度为 768,那么就初始化一个 512×768 的矩阵作为位置向量,让它随着训练过程更新。BERT、GPT 等模型所用的就是这种位置编码
P E ( p o s , 2 i ) = s i n ( p o s / 1000 0 2 i / d m o d e l ) \begin{aligned} PE_{(pos,2i)} & = sin(pos/10000^{2i/d_{model}})\ \end{aligned} P E ( p os , 2 i ) = s in ( p os /1000 0 2 i / d m o d e l )
P E ( p o s , 2 i + 1 ) = c o s ( p o s / 1000 0 2 i / d m o d e l ) \begin{aligned} PE_{(pos,2i+1)} & = cos(pos/10000^{2i/d_{model}}) \ \end{aligned} P E ( p os , 2 i + 1 ) = cos ( p os /1000 0 2 i / d m o d e l )
可变长度的意思: 模型训练好了,一个新的序列长度样本也可以作为输入. 但一个batch内仍需要padding到同一长度
只需要保持参数矩阵维度与输入序列的长度无关,例如全连接层针对feature, 都不影响sequence维度; attention等也都是
KV Cache
加速推断, 解码过程是一个token一个token生成,如果每一次解码都从输入开始拼接好解码的token,那么会有非常多的重复计算
矩阵乘法性质: 矩阵可以分块,将矩阵A拆分为[:s], [s]两部分,分别和矩阵B相乘,那么最终结果可以直接拼接
Copy def scaled_dot_product ( q , k , v , softmax , attention_mask , attention_dropout ):
outputs = tf . matmul (q, k, transpose_b = True )
dk = tf . math . sqrt (tf. cast (q.shape[ - 1 ], dtype = tf.float32))
outputs = outputs / dk
# if attention_mask is not None:
# outputs = outputs + (1 - attention_mask) * -1e9
outputs = softmax (outputs, mask = attention_mask)
outputs = Dropout (rate = attention_dropout)(outputs)
outputs = tf . matmul (outputs, v) # shape: (m,Tx,depth), same shape as q,k,v
return outputs
# multi-head有多种写法: 变成4维的 (batch_size, -1, num_heads, d_k), 变成3维的(batch * num_heads, -1, d_k), 以及下面的循环
class FullAttention ( tf . keras . layers . Layer ):
def __init__ ( self , d_model , num_of_heads , dropout , d_out = None ):
super (). __init__ ()
self . d_model = d_model
self . num_of_heads = num_of_heads
self . dropout = dropout
self . depth = d_model // num_of_heads
self . wq = [ Dense (self.depth // 2 , use_bias = False ) for i in range (num_of_heads) ]
self . wk = [ Dense (self.depth // 2 , use_bias = False ) for i in range (num_of_heads) ]
self . wv = [ Dense (self.depth // 2 , use_bias = False ) for i in range (num_of_heads) ]
self . wo = Dense (d_model if d_out is None else d_out, use_bias = False )
self . softmax = tf . keras . layers . Softmax ()
def call ( self , q , k , v , attention_mask = None , training = False ):
multi_attn = []
for i in range (self.num_of_heads):
Q = self . wq [ i ](q)
K = self . wk [ i ](k)
V = self . wv [ i ](v)
multi_attn . append ( scaled_dot_product (Q, K, V, self.softmax, attention_mask, self.dropout))
multi_attn = tf . concat (multi_attn, axis =- 1 )
multi_head_attention = self . wo (multi_attn)
return multi_head_attention
3.5 正则化
batch normalization,residual learning, label smoothing
Copy # 标签平滑,hard label转变成soft label,使网络优化更加平滑。有效正则化工具,通过在均匀分布和hard标签之间应用加权平均值来生成soft标签。用于减少训练的过拟合问题并进一步提高分类性能
targets = ( 1 - label_smooth) * targets + label_smooth / num_classes
3.6 Norm
Batch Norm
BN用来减少 “Internal Covariate Shift” 来加速网络的训练,BN 和 ResNet 的作用类似,都使得 loss landscape 变得更加光滑了 (How Does Batch Normalization Help Optimization)
BN,当 batch 较小时不具备统计意义,而加大的 batch 又受硬件的影响;BN 适用于 DNN、CNN 之类固定深度的神经网络,而对于 RNN 这类 sequence 长度不一致的神经网络来说,会出现 sequence 长度不同的情况
Layer Norm
layer normalization 有助于得到一个球体空间中符合0均值1方差高斯分布的 embedding, batch normalization不具备这个功能
为什么不用batch norm? BN广泛用于CV,针对同一特征、跨样本开展归一。样本之间仍然具有可比较性,但特征与特征之间不再具有可比较性。NLP中关键的不在于样本中同一特征的可比较
由于BN需要统计不同样本统计值,因此分布式训练需要sync BatchNorm, Layer Norm则不需要
Copy # layer norm: https://www.kaggle.com/code/cpmpml/graph-transfomer?scriptVersionId=24171638&cellId=18
mean = K . mean (inputs, axis =- 1 , keepdims = True )
variance = K . mean (K. square (inputs - mean), axis =- 1 , keepdims = True )
std = K . sqrt (variance + self.epsilon)
outputs = (inputs - mean) / std
if self . scale :
outputs *= self . gamma
if self . center :
outputs += self . beta
Copy def GroupNorm ( x , gamma , beta , G , eps = 1e-5 ):
# x: input features with shape [N,C,H,W]
# gamma, beta: scale and offset, with shape [1,C,1,1]
# G: number of groups for GN
N , C , H , W = x . shape
x = tf . reshape (x, [N, G, C // G, H, W])
mean , var = tf . nn . moments (x, [ 2 , 3 , 4 ], keep dims = True )
x = (x - mean) / tf . sqrt (var + eps)
x = tf . reshape (x, [N, C, H, W])
return x * gamma + beta
RMSNorm - Root Mean Square Layer Normalization
3.7 pool
Copy def get_pools ( img : np . array , pool_size : int , stride : int ) -> np . array:
pools = []
# Iterate over all row blocks (single block has `stride` rows)
for i in np . arange (img.shape[ 0 ], step = stride):
# Iterate over all column blocks (single block has `stride` columns)
for j in np . arange (img.shape[ 0 ], step = stride):
# Extract the current pool
mat = img [ i : i + pool_size , j : j + pool_size ]
# Make sure it's rectangular - has the shape identical to the pool size
if mat . shape == (pool_size , pool_size) :
# Append to the list of pools
pools . append (mat)
return np . array (pools)
def max_pooling ( pools : np . array) -> np . array:
num_pools = pools . shape [ 0 ] # Total number of pools
# Shape of the matrix after pooling - Square root of the number of pools
tgt_shape = ( int (np. sqrt (num_pools)), int (np. sqrt (num_pools)) )
pooled = []
for pool in pools :
pooled . append (np. max (pool))
return np . array (pooled). reshape (tgt_shape)
3.8 dropout