

Functional requirement

  • User can schedule or view the job.

  • User can list all the submitted jobs with current status.

  • Jobs can be run once or recurring. Jobs should be executed within X threshold time after the defined scheduled time. (let x = 15 minutes)

  • Individual job execution time is no more than X minutes. (let x = 5 minutes)

  • Jobs can also have priority. Job the with higher priority should be executed first than lower priority

  • Job output should be stored inside file system

Non-Functional requirement

  • Highly available — system should always be available for users to add/view the job

  • Highly scalable — system should scale for millions of jobs

  • Reliability — system must execute a job at-least once, and the same Job can not run by different processes at the same time.

  • Durable — system should not lose jobs information in case of any failure

  • Latency — system should acknowledge the user as soon as the job is accepted. User doesn’t have to wait till job completion.

Traffic & Storage Estimation

Total submitted jobs daily = 100 M (or 1000 QPS)

Domain Analysis: Concepts


  • Represents a Job to be executed

  • Properties:

    • Id, Name, JobExecutorClass, Priority, Running, LastStartTime, LastEndTime, LastExecutor, Data (Parameters)

Trigger (based on the concept Quartz Scheduler uses):

  • Defines when a Job is executed

  • We can define different Triggers like: OneTimeTrigger, CronTrigger Based on the type, we have properties like:

  • Id, Type, StartTime, EndTime, OneTime, Cronjob, Interval


  • Is a single Job Executor/Worker Node Can have Properties like:

  • Id (e.g. IP-based), LastHeartBeat


  • msg queue FIFO


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