听清楚考官在问什麽。不要一上来就ab test,quasi-experimentation
每一项回答,都想清楚背后的取舍。把 trade-off讲清楚, 是能否拿到senior的关键。Junior pursues right or wrong; Senior looks for trade-offs
1. 范围
结合纵向和横向去做题目分类总结。例如,我们模拟一下FB groups 可以大致问:
我们想要新增某个feature 让用户可以在回文的时候使用表情包,该不该做?
我们想要improve comments per post, 该怎麽做?
我们看到comments per post下降了,该怎麽办
我们想要build a model 让FB groups的贴文出现在个人的newsfeed, 该怎麽做?
1.1 纵向-题目类型
Launch or not: 公司想要针对产品某部分优化,开发某种新功能,该不该做?
Investigation: 某个产品的表现不如预期,某指标下降,该怎麽调查釐清?
How to measure: 如何衡量某个产品的好坏
Want to know something: 想要了解某件事情,例如有多少百分比的帐号是假帐号,怎麽知道有人有多个帐号?
How to build a model: Meta的某些产品题目是直接涉及到model building, 例如餐厅推荐,侦测假帐号。这种题目较为niche, 但仍要准备。
1.2 横向-产品线
电商 (FB/ IG shop)
FB Groups
FB Newsfeed
FB ads
2. 回答框架Framework
2.1 目标
整个公司有一个大的overall business goal. 例如meta的愿景是让人们之间的距离缩短,并让人们有能力可以打造社群,也帮助企业成长盈利。这不是我发明的,是他们家的mission statement
题目中涉及的产品也会有一个主要目标。例如增加某feature engagement
所有你提出的策略,跟产品的目标,再到公司的大目标,彼此都是环环相扣。 在准备不同公司的时候,都仔细想想这家公司是做什麽的,有哪些产品,然后请你产生出自己对于该公司独家的framework.
FB mission (business goal) → Product goal (pain point solving / why are we doing this) → Hypothesis → Validation (Metrics and methodology i.e experiment design) → Analysis → Decision 先从FB的愿景讲起--> 然后自定义产品的目标为何,这个目标也是要能够帮助到整体企业的目标--> 有哪些假说 → 要如何确定假说,metric and methodology (i.e experiment) → 如何分析结果--> 结果为如何的时候我们怎麽下决策
2.2 metrics
讲metric 的时候,要跟目标有所结合。不要随便乱丢metric Metrics有分成几种
Goal (success) metrics: 你想要提升的目标
Monitoring metrics
Guardrail metrics: 不能看到显着影响的指标
每个metric都有pros and cons. 我认为常见的trade off 有
Engagement v.s monetization (有时增加互动,但短期内的收益会减少)
Short term v.s long term (有些指标无法反映长期)
Engagement v.s safety (互动增加但可能伤害人与人之间的互动,例如耸动的新闻或假新闻)
2.3 insight analysis
2.4 实验
请把A/B test的架构讲得清楚:
Randomization unit. 为何选择这个,而不是另一个?最常回答的用user_id 来当作randomization unit,会有什麽pros and cons?
如果A/B test 不可行的时候,该怎麽办?为什麽不可行?
如何 identify network effect? How to mitigate the risk?
3. 案例- Analytical Reasoning: Restaurant Recommendations
FB在考虑build一个餐厅推荐system,插入到user的news feed里面 How would you decide if this might be worth while?
大概就是问opportunity sizing,要pull什么data之类的
How would you design the first iteration of the model?
我回答logistical model 然后input可以用user的activity history,location,他们friends的activity
如果没有这些data,可以先推荐local popular restaurants
How would you validate your model is working?.
我说可以用A/B test然后看how our key metrics change in the two groups
另外可以自己抽样,看看recommendation是不是make sense,我们是不是落了什么factor
What would you do if ads revenue from restaurants increase 5% but engagement down 3%?
我就是说先确定这两个是不是有联系,再segment到不同的region和demographic看有没有specific,如果有specific可以看看是哪里出了问题,是不是有cultural difference,如果是的话可以根据那个design一版custom的
When would you decide the time to ingest into newsfeed?
另外可以看这个user他如果有很多要看的post,那就先prioritize post;如果他本来每天就能看完,那就可以prioirtize推荐餐厅
前提是Advertiser在fb上买广告,假设target audience size M, purchased N impression
Probability an individual see at lease one impression
Expected value of total people who see at least one impression
We’ve run a prediction model and discovered 25% of our audience is high intent (90% probability of clicks) and 75% are low intent (10% clicks), how many clicks do we expect to see?
If the advertiser are concerned of 0 clicks and want to increase the number of impression they buy. X axis is number of impressions purchased and Y is likelihood of getting 0 clicks, how does X and Y change (draw graph)
Ace the data science interview
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